Allocation Overview

Last updated September 13, 2024

Laguna users have access to two resource allocations: research and storage.

Access to and use of allocation resources is based on participation in projects. Project setup and resource allocation are requested by a project’s PI using the user portal. For instructions on setting up a project, see the Create a New Project user guide.

0.0.1 Laguna computing resource allocations

The Laguna research resource allocation is measured by system units (SUs). SUs are determined by CPU, memory, and GPU usage combined with job run time. More details on resource allocations can be found in our Running Jobs guide. PIs request computing resource allocations in the CARC user portal.

The research allocation has three size tiers depending on the computational needs of the associated projects. Allocations usually start in the new fiscal year (July 1 - June 30), and they must be renewed annually at the end of each fiscal year to continue use. Requests for new research allocations and renewals must be submitted 30 days prior to the start of the allocation period/new fiscal year.

The table below shows a summary of the Laguna computing allocation tiers.

Compute size System units
Small 200,000
Medium 500.000
Large 1,000,000
Class 10,000

0.0.2 Storage resource allocations

All active projects are eligible for a storage allocation on the Laguna /project file system. Storage allocations are measured using disk space in terabytes (TB) (1 terabyte is equivalent to 1,000 gigabytes (GB)). Each PI receives 10 TB of storage across their project(s) at no cost.

PIs must request storage allocations in the user portal. The default minimum storage allocation size is 5 TB per project.

0.0.3 Request a new allocation

Once a project has been created, you must request an allocation to a computing and/or storage resource. Allocations indicate what resources each project has access to and any limits associated with that access. Allocations expire either by date or when a limit is reached.

To start, select the name of the project that you are requesting an allocation for to go to that project’s Project Details page.

To request a new allocation for a resource, select the green Request Resource Allocation button on the Project Details page.

This displays the Request a New Allocation page.

Select the resource you’d like access to and provide a justification for access to that resource. Your justification should include information on how you’ll be using the resource and how many CPU/service unit hours you anticipate needing to use.

Select the Submit button when done. Allocation Status: New

Your allocation now displays on your Project Detail page with a status of “New”. Allocation Status: Active

Once verified and approved, the status changes to “Active” and you will have access to that resource for your project.

0.0.4 Sensitive data

Currently, the Laguna system does not support the use or storage of sensitive data. If your research work includes sensitive data, including but not limited to HIPAA-, FERPA-, or CUI-regulated data, contact us at before using our systems.

0.0.5 Annual allocation renewal

The duration of computing and storage resource allocations is one year. Each year, PIs must renew their projects and associated allocations in the user portal. Allocation sizes or types can be changed during renewal. Failure to apply for a renewal blocks all users in the group from running jobs on the cluster. Expired allocations cannot be renewed. If your allocation has expired, you must request a new allocation for the resource and go through the approval process again if you wish to have access to the same resource.

For more information on annual project reviews and allocation renewals, see the Annual Project Review user guide.