Project and Allocation Management

Last updated September 13, 2024

Research conducted on Laguna is managed in the user portal through projects and allocations. Principal Investigators (PIs) do not automatically have access to Laguna resources. To get started, PIs must create a project and request a resource allocation for it. These guides cover project and allocation setup, managing projects, and completing the annual review.

0.0.1 Create a New Project

Detailed instructions on creating a new project in the user portal.

0.0.2 Allocation Overview

An overview of the different types of allocations and requesting a new allocation in the user portal.

0.0.3 Manage Users on Projects

Information on adding and removing users from projects and allocations.

0.0.4 Modify a Project

Information on modifying projects, including changing email notifications, adding billing information, grants, and publications, and granting manager access.

0.0.5 Annual Project Review

Details and step-by-step instructions for reviewing projects and renewing allocations.