
Last updated 2024-08-28T18:19:38.387Z
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Established in 2024, the SoCal Regional Research Computing Alliance aims to provide high-performance computing cyberinfrastructure and expertise to under-resourced local institutions.

Transformative research relies on intensive computing and data solutions, but many institutions in the Southern California region are challenged by a lack of advanced cyberinfrastructure and research support. The SoCal Regional Research Computing Alliance seeks to remedy this by providing Laguna, a high-performance computing cluster, and experienced staff dedicated for use by researchers at under-resourced institutions.

Hosted at the University of Southern California (USC) and managed by the Center for Advanced Research Computing (CARC), Laguna is a state-of-the-art system boasting 2 shared login nodes, 20 compute nodes, and 8 GPU nodes. Through an extensively collaborative effort, the Alliance hopes that access to this advanced computing environment and comprehensive user services will propel local campus research forward exponentially.

See the Laguna Resource Overview and Storage File Systems user guides for more information about the technical specifications of the Laguna system.